Job Posting Service Request Form

(This form is designed to be submitted via being printed or copied into word or an email message)

The Tribal Employment Newsletter


Select the service option you wish to purchase:

___$80  Individual announcement posting

___$299 Annual Subscription 

___$500 Featured Employer 


Please provide your contact information

Name __________________________________________ 
Company _______________________________________ 
Address ________________________________________ 
City _____________________State ____ ZIP __________ 
Phone ____/_____________ Fax ____/_____________ 
E-mail address ___________________________________ 


Payment Method

Total Amount of Order $ _______ 
___Payment enclosed   ___Credit Card   

___Purchase Order #__________________________

Card Holder Name____________________________ 
Card No. ___________________________________ 
Card Expiration Date ___________ 
Card Type __VISA __ MC 


Send it to us 

The Tribal Employment Newsletter
Attn: Scott Gasperin
16 Days Mill Rd
Kennebunk, ME 04043 

Phone/Fax: 207-415-3031 
