Posting Job Vacancy Announcements

The Tribal Employment Newsletter


Thank you for your interest in posting your job announcements on The Tribal Employment Newsletter (  

We've made it easy by providing the simple order form below.  Please be careful to fill in all the pertinent information before you send.   The form may take a few seconds to process so be patient and don't click again on the submit button again unless you are positive it failed.  Thanks!

** NOTE ** You do not need to await a response from me before sending your announcement.  Once you have submitted your order, you may immediately send your job announcements to as a Word attachment or pasted into the email message.

Subscription Order Form

You can choose to submit this form online, or use the print form option and fax it to: The Tribal Employment Newsletter at 207-415-3031 or mail it along with your payment to: The Tribal Employment Newsletter, Attn: Scott Gasperin, 16 Days Mill Rd, Kennebunk, ME 04043

All fields must be completed for accurate contact information -- your information WILL NEVER be sold to a direct marketing firm. 

Todays Date:

Company Name:



State: Zip:

Your Name:



Subscription/Order Option

Pay-As-You-Go ($80)
Annual Subscription ($299)
Featured Employer ($500)

Payment Options

Purchase Order

PO Number  (I'll invoice you)

Credit Card  (VISA or MC only)

Enter Credit Card Number 
Enter Expiration Date (mm/yy) 
Name on Card 

(if you'd rather, you can email, or call in your credit card information by first submitting this form and then sending the necessary information to 207-415-3031 or

Pay by Check  

Submit this form and send a check made  payable to: 

The Tribal Employment Newsletter
Attn:  Scott Gasperin

16 Days Mill Rd.

Kennebunk,  ME  04043


Remember, after submitting your order, you may immediately send your announcements via email to .