Posting Job Vacancy Announcements


Thank you for your interest in posting your job announcements on The Tribal Employment Newsletter (  There are two options to get access to posting your job announcements, which are detailed below.  Select "Order" to fill out and submit the application form and we’ll get you going right away so you can start reaching more qualified job seekers.


You pay for each announcement you post.  Each announcement posted with this option remains on the website for 30 days.  This option is best if you plan to have no more than three (3) job announcements posted over the next year.  Cost: $80 per announcement


Annual Subscription:

An annual subscription entitles you to post an unlimited number of job announcements at no additional charge.  Choose this option if you are sure you will have more than three announcement posted during the subscription year.  This is a favorite option for many employers. Cost: $299 per year








 © 2014, Scott Gasperin, Webmaster and Publisher of The Tribal Employment Newsletter.